: MobPod


What is Mob Pod?


The Mob Pod is a mobile health van that will bring important culturally appropriate health services straight to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in areas outside of Gympie and Noosa regions such as Cooloola Cove, Tin Can Bay, Rainbow Beach, Glenwood, Cooroy, Pomona and surrounds.

It will offer care both in-person and through telehealth, making it easier for mob in rural areas to get the healthcare they need, close to home.


Why Mob Pod?


Rural and remote communities in Gympie-Cooloola cove regions face significant barriers to healthcare access, which contribute to higher rates of preventable hospitalizations and delayed treatments.

The population of the Gympie region demonstrates high levels of socio-economic disadvantage, with 82.4 per cent of this population falling into the four most disadvantaged deciles.

Examining Key Domains in the Gympie-Cooloola Region Highlighting Critical Gaps:

1) Financial Hardships
2) Unemployment rates
3) Homelessness rates
4) Access issues
5) Overweight or obesity rates
6) Physical inactivity rates
7) Disability rates
8) Chronic Disease rates
9) Emergency Department presentation rates
10) Specialist Outpatient rates

How are we going to address these issues?


The Mob Pod initiative seeks to trial a new model of healthcare service delivery for our community by launching a fully equipped, digitally capable mobile health service that extends beyond traditional care models. Prioritizing community engagement, we will collaboratively design services that meet the specific needs and preferences of our local population.

The Mobile Health Pod will deliver critical health services, including mental health support, nurse-led clinics, telehealth consultations, and specialized care, directly to regional and remote communities outside the Gympie and Noosa regions.

Where are we at?


The Mob Pod initiative seeks to trial a new model of healthcare service delivery for our community by launching a fully equipped, digitally capable mobile health service that extends beyond traditional care models. Prioritizing community engagement, we will collaboratively design services that meet the specific needs and preferences of our local population.

The Mobile Health Pod will deliver critical health services, including mental health support, nurse-led clinics, telehealth consultations, and specialized care, directly to regional and remote communities outside the Gympie and Noosa regions.

The Mob Pod is currently in final stages of fit out and is expected to be operational Feb – 2025.

Let’s yarn?


Your Voice Matters – Have your say here or scan the below QR code.

If you wish to know more about the project, please contact – Paul Penumala (paul@ncacch.org.au)

NCACCH Birtinya office & Gympie AMS

Birtinya : 8/8 Innovation Parkway Q 4575 Gympie: 31 Excelsior Road Q 4570 (07 5329 5872)

Phone: 07 5346 9800 | Fax: Birtinya: 07 5346 9899 | Gympie: 07 5329 5873