: Mums & Bubs Program

Mums & Bubs Program

Exciting news!! Our Nanna Bill’s Mums and Bubs Program is back!

The NCACCH Nanna Bill’s Mums & Bubs Program is a pregnancy and postnatal program that enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and/or babies to access support from a NCACCH midwife. Support is provided throughout pregnancy and up to six weeks postnatally with the NCACCH midwife, then with the child health nurse from 6 weeks to 2 years. The Nana Bill’s Mums & Bubs Program offers women and families with continuity of care during the antenatal and postnatal period and support up to 2 years of age, with individualised care in partnership with the women and families.


  • Are you pregnant and identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander or are having a baby who identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
  • Are you eligible to be a NCACCH client?
  • Are you a parent or carer of a child who is a NCACCH client aged <2 years of age?

If you are interested in joining the Nanna Bill’s Mums and Bubs Program please email mumsandbubs@ncacch.org.au or contact us at the NCACCH Gympie Aboriginal Medical Service on (07) 53295872 or our NCACCH Birtinya Head Office on (07) 5346 9800.

Please see below how this program will be offered in your area.


The NCACCH Nanna Bill’s Mums & Bubs Midwife and Child and Family Health Nurse work closely with our North Coast Aboriginal Medical Service Gympie GPs, Aboriginal Health Workers, Allied Health services and the Hospital & Health Service, to enable women to access continuity of care with a known midwife for antenatal and postnatal care (shared care). Follow up and support by our Nanna Bill’s Child and Family Health Nurse for Bubs up to 2 years of age. Our NCACCH clients in Gympie and surrounding areas have access to:

  • Antenatal and postnatal care for mum and bub
  • Antenatal education
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Women’s health education
  • Contraception education and advice
  • Early childhood development education, immunisations and referrals to additional supports/allied health as required
  • Mums and Bubs drop-in clinic
  • Mums and Bubs Playgroup (coming soon!)


The NCACCH Nanna Bill’s Mums & Bubs Midwife and Child and Family Health Nurse work closely with our Brokerage Service GPs, Aboriginal Health Workers, Allied Health services and the Birawan MGP team and Hospital & Health Service, to enable women to access support with a known midwife during pregnancy and up to 6 weeks postnatally. Follow up and support by our Nanna Bill’s Child and Family Health Nurse for Bubs up to 2 years of age (in addition to the Jabba Jabba program). Our NCACCH clients on the Sunshine Coast have access to:

  • Antenatal and postnatal support from a known NCACCH midwife
  • Antenatal education
  • Breastfeeding support
  • Women’s health education
  • Contraception education and advice
  • Early childhood development education from our Child and Family Health Nurse, with referrals to additional supports/allied health as required
  • Mums and Bubs drop-in clinic
  • Mums and Bubs Playgroup (coming soon!)



NCACCH Birtinya office & Gympie AMS

Birtinya : 8/8 Innovation Parkway Q 4575 Gympie: 31 Excelsior Road Q 4570 (07 5329 5872)

Phone: 07 5346 9800 | Fax: Birtinya: 07 5346 9899 | Gympie: 07 5329 5873