: Our Services : Tackling Indigenous Smoking

Tackling Indigenous Smoking

Tackling Indigenous Smoking Launch 2023

NCACCH appeals to each and everyone of you to consider the impact of smoking and vaping in our community. Let us come together to support one another in breaking free from these harmful habits!
No Durri for This Murri is a Deadly Choice!
For more information on our Tackling Indigenous Smoking Program please visit https://ncacch.org.au/our-services/smoking-cessation-2/ or call the office on 07 5346 9800 to speak to one of our Community Engagement Officers



“No Durri for this Murri® “

Take the pledge.

The NCACCH Community Health Service (CHS) team provide information about tobacco dependence, reducing the harms of smoking, second-hand smoke and successful quitting for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients within the Sunshine Coast and Gympie region. They also offer advice, tips and education around the harmful effects of passive smoking, as well as smoking in the house and car around our young ones.

Working within the Tackling Indigenous Smoking national program, NCACCH utilises a multi-level population health approach for its smoking cessation program. This approach includes regional health promotion activities delivered in community settings in collaboration with other local stakeholders.

Let’s Clear the Air – The healthiest places are smoke-free places

Protect your family from Second-Hand Smoke
While it might seem harmless, second-hand smoke is dangerous, containing more than 60 chemicals that are known to cause cancer. When you smoke near your family and loved ones, they are exposed to many diseases and negative health effects.

“Protecting Your Love One’s” information on Second Hand Smoking and its effects on your family.

Ready to quit  information and support.

Quit Support

Ready to start your quit journey?

Why quitting is the smart choice – Check out these facts!

• Did you know there are approx. 19,000 smoking related deaths each year, and smoking tobacco is the largest single preventable cause of death and disease in Australia.
• 41% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples smoke compared to 13% of the Australian population.
• Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals including at least 60 that we know cause cancer.
• Smoking is expensive! A pack a day smoker will spend about $10,000 per year! Check out this link at Quit HQ to see how much you can save by quitting the durries https://quithq.initiatives.qld.gov.au/

What are the benefits of quitting smoking

Going Smoke-Free will have a significant and positive effect on your overall health and well-being. You’ll feel like you have a new lease on life – fitter, healthier, more able to embrace life to the fullest. And the great thing is, it all starts from the very minute you decide to quit.

Find your reason to feel better and see the positive affect quitting smoking will have on your body and appearance!

Getting help

You aren’t alone in your quit journey. There are heaps of places you can get support and information to help you quit!

Take the first step, contact your GP to arrange an appointment to discuss your smoking concerns.

Quitline has a team of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff who want to yarn with you about quitting smoking. All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, who smoke, can join the ‘Yarn to Quit’ program which includes quit support and free nicotine replacement therapy. Call Quitline on 13 7848.



Using technology can be a great distraction from smoking and keep you busy when you’re quitting. Try the following free Apps for motivation and support.

My QuitBuddy

Use the My QuitBuddy App for motivation and support. Set your own goals and record messages from loved ones. Log daily progress and view the health benefits that you’ve reached. Try the My QuitBuddy App today!
Try the App

Quit for you Quit for Two App

This App’s designed to give pregnant women encouragement and support to quit smoking. The App provides interesting facts about your baby’s development to help mums stay motivated.
Try the App

What is Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)?

NRT products deliver small amounts of nicotine to you. This allows you to reduce your withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Products include patches, gums, lozenges, inhalers and sprays.
(NCACCH has approval from Apunipima Cape York Health Council to include links on our website)
• How to use Nicotine Gum: http://bit.ly/2zuw46d
• How to use Nicotine Patch: http://bit.ly/2ijnRxu
• How to use Nicotine Mouth Spray: http://bit.ly/2ytCfHx
• How to use Nicotine Lozenges: http://bit.ly/2zvGhPE
• How to use Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) during pregnancy: http://bit.ly/2xNAxUl

NCACCH Birtinya office & Gympie AMS

Birtinya : 8/8 Innovation Parkway Q 4575 Gympie: 31 Excelsior Road Q 4570 (07 5329 5872)

Phone: 07 5346 9800 | Fax: Birtinya: 07 5346 9899 | Gympie: 07 5329 5873