: What’s On : Women’s Group Events- click below

Women’s Group Events- click below

With the new changes to Women’s Group we have updated guidelines around our gatherings, please..

  • RSVP your attendance to NCACCH for each event- this is to ensure that we have catered enough for refreshments and materials for activities.
  • Stay at home if you are unwell.
  • Respect the Women and the Group facilitators by sharing materials around the group and allowing everyone to have a turn.
  • If you are bringing children along, please ensure that you are providing supervision as NCACCH staff are unable to provide this.
  • Unfortunately, Male partners are unable to attend as this group is all about Women’s Business! NCACCH has a monthly Men’s Groups too.



BreastScreen Queensland and North Coast Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health (NCACCH) are hosting  clinics on:

If you are over 40 years of age and have not had your breasts checked in the last two years, please call 13 20 50 to book an appointment. If you would like culturally appropriate assistance when attending any of your appointments, please let us know when you book your appointment. We will arrange for a Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Services (SCHHS) Health worker or CHS team member to accompany you and answer any questions you may have. BSQSC-First-Nations-brochure click here.

NCACCH Birtinya office & Gympie AMS

Birtinya : 8/8 Innovation Parkway Q 4575 Gympie: 31 Excelsior Road Q 4570 (07 5329 5872)

Phone: 07 5346 9800 | Fax: Birtinya: 07 5346 9899 | Gympie: 07 5329 5873